- I want to be not just an ordinary girl but a lady made for a purpose. I want to do extraordinary things in my own little way.
- I love volunteering, joining organization and activities that would benefit other people with whatever service I may give.
- I am not really grade conscious but I compete.
I find value more the intrinsic reward than the extrinsic. - I am a Kids Teacher in Church.
It refreshes me to see the little ones being shaped by the love of God. - The first time I used my right of vote in the historic May 2010 Presidential Elections, I voted for G1BO. I admire him for not joining the mudslinging between candidates (he actually demonstrated positive campaigning) plus his skills for competent leadership. He represents the way next generation Filipinos should be.
- I love to EAT, especially these foods: sweet corn, McFloat, cake, pizza, lasagna, cookies, chocolates and soda. I seldom drink milk and coffee. (Meet the Diabetic)
- I eat spaghetti na walang sauce, tinapay na walang palaman at kanin na walang ulam.
That's when I was a kid. Sooo plain. - I used to hate burgers.
I just learned to eat it when I was in 4th year high school.
And then for a time I got addicted to it. :p - I am a trying hard chef.
But if given a chance, I would love to bake. - I love the strings.
I know how to play the guitar but not really good at it. - I sing a lot.
I sing to express and not impress.
I love songs with deep meanings and soulful melody. - I love Silent Sanctuary.
All their songs take me to dreamland.
Sweet lyrics and heart-felt singing. - I dance... When no one is watching. LOL.
Sometimes I dance with Mom and the kids at home. SOMETIMES. :) - I used to do the "butterfly dance" with my best friend Nikai when we were still young!
- It's a dream for me to contribute a piece of work in the National Library. Thesis. I hope I am not that far from that dream.
- I love Chiq-Lit's. Chiq Literature. I am currently reading Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. There is joy in being a lady.
- I am a Bible-reader.
Give it a try. Jesus' stories are amazing.
He can transform your life! :) - I want to travel!
I want to go around Europe and Israel.
I personally want to see the Bible places. - I want to live in my own house. A-L-O-N-E.
I want to live in Tagaytay someday and everyday enjoy the beauty of Taal Volcano. - I am excited to go to provinces.
I love its atmosphere and I love seeing trees and mountains! I'm quite used to seeing well-built houses, flyovers and tall buildings. I want to try living in a Bahay Kubo, sumakay sa kalabaw at magtanim sa bukid! :) - I want to learn different languages.
As of now, I can count 1-10 in Hindi plus some few basic words. (Thanks to my Pinoy chatmate from Saudi) and count 1-100 in Nihonggo plus some basic words as well. (Brenda and Nikai, thanks for the patience in teaching me those.) - I love taking pictures. Unfortunately I don't have my own camera yet.
Great sceneries, breath-taking views, glorious events.
But more often I love it that I am the one caught by the lens! (The Indenial narcisst.) - I super love superbianca! Bianca Monica Malasmas Gonzalez. From her I got the idea of being a supergirl. I love her for being smart and having that unique beauty; Her advocacies and that happy spirit!
- I am an ambivert. I love to relate with people and at the same time making a point to have solitude.
- I am a cry baby. Some people see me strong and happy but I cry over other's pains like those I see in a charity-oriented programs, people who are physically challenged, students who are dedicated to study even if it takes them miles to get to their no-wall-no-ceiling "rooms", reunited families, those who are victims of killings and disasters, most especially those who are experiencing psychological suffering.
- I so love kids. I see them as gifts.
It makes me excited to think of what they will become in the future. - I am quite in doubt of having a partner in life.
I do have crushes but really never thought of having someone for the rest of my life.
I admit, even if I have afew suitors around, I am afraid of having a boyfriend. :( Or am I just unprepared of accepting its responsibilities and consequences? - I love my family inspite of all its imperfections.
I get emotional when talking of family matters. Er, who doesn't? - I love my NIECES, believe it or not.
I may be hard at times to them but I get emotional when we talk about them. - I love to work.
I feel paralyzed when I don't have anything to do in a day.
I have to work to get me cured. - Expect me to get sick after bathing in the rain. Especially when it is unintentional.
I can stay okay after a long day of hardcore work even without eating meals but not the RAIN. - I am an insomniac.
This is the fact that people would all agree. LOL.
Got eyebags as proof! - I don't drink nor smoke. I want! But my body can't take it. I'd die. I am trying to drink once in a while, I drink a maximum of 2 shots!
- RESPECT is very important to me.
Respect me as a woman, as a person. - I am quite paranoid about people's actions.
I think what they do means something. :) - I am easy to please yet hard to understand.
Don't get me wrong. I get unpredictable at times. - I am confused if I have really ever been inlove to a person. Except Jesus, of course.
- I am a sweet friend especially to those who really mean to me.
- I find it sweetest when friends treat me with anything I like. It's a joy for me when they bless me from the heart!
- How I love STARS.
I find it romantic to do stargazing with people I love.
I would name each star to them! - I super love the pink and brown combination.
If I were to choose the colors I would have for the rest of my life, it would be those. - I appreciate small things easily than the bigger ones. All big things comes from the small ones.
- I am missing my RANGERS Family badly! :(
- The last guy I had a crush on was a bisexual. I decided to stop the feeling when I learned that he is. It was hard, but thank God He made me overcome it.
- I have a super crush on Jun Pyo of BOF, John Lloyd Cruz and Carlo Aquino.
- I am definitely not a party animal. I have never been to bars or the like. I prefer celebrations held on their homes or in a hotel, coliseums or an open field, maybe a seminar or a conference.
- I love sweet surprises!
- I have never experienced being fat! :(
- I have moles on my forehead, above my lip, on my tummy and on my thigh.
- When I was in kinder, I studied in a Catholic School which is runned by Nuns and Priests. Everytime I would see one, I'd tell mom, "Si sister act!" LOL. :D
- When I was in Grade 6, I cried and got depressed because my Ninang cut my hair so short. I looked like a boy!
- I am good in hiding my feelings. I can stay happy when it hurts inside. People who know me well begs me to let them get into my life and help me. My bad.
- I am super sentimental. I keep letters, paintings and artworks. I have it compiled already. It's beautiful! :)
Far more than I could imagine. A love I know I don't deserve. He has seen me at my worst yet loved me at His best!