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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

100 Facts About Superjel

I'ma tell a hundred things about ME.
  1. I want to be not just an ordinary girl but a lady made for a purpose. I want to do extraordinary things in my own little way.
  2. I love volunteering, joining organization and activities that would benefit other people with whatever service I may give.
  3. I am not really grade conscious but I compete.
    I find value more the intrinsic reward than the extrinsic.
  4. I am a Kids Teacher in Church.
    It refreshes me to see the little ones being shaped by the love of God.
  5. The first time I used my right of vote in the historic May 2010 Presidential Elections, I voted for G1BO. I admire him for not joining the mudslinging between candidates (he actually demonstrated positive campaigning) plus his skills for competent leadership. He represents the way next generation Filipinos should be.
  6. I love to EAT, especially these foods: sweet corn, McFloat, cake, pizza, lasagna, cookies, chocolates and soda. I seldom drink milk and coffee. (Meet the Diabetic)
  7. I eat spaghetti na walang sauce, tinapay na walang palaman at kanin na walang ulam.
    That's when I was a kid. Sooo plain.
  8. I used to hate burgers.
    I just learned to eat it when I was in 4th year high school.
    And then for a time I got addicted to it. :p
  9. I am a trying hard chef.
    But if given a chance, I would love to bake.
  10. I love the strings.
    I know how to play the guitar but not really good at it.
  11. I sing a lot.
    I sing to express and not impress.
    I love songs with deep meanings and soulful melody.
  12. I love Silent Sanctuary.
    All their songs take me to dreamland.
    Sweet lyrics and heart-felt singing.
  13. I dance... When no one is watching. LOL.
    Sometimes I dance with Mom and the kids at home. SOMETIMES. :)
  14. I used to do the "butterfly dance" with my best friend Nikai when we were still young!
  15. It's a dream for me to contribute a piece of work in the National Library. Thesis. I hope I am not that far from that dream.
  16. I love Chiq-Lit's. Chiq Literature. I am currently reading Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. There is joy in being a lady.
  17. I am a Bible-reader.
    Give it a try. Jesus' stories are amazing.
    He can transform your life! :)
  18. I want to travel!
    I want to go around Europe and Israel.
    I personally want to see the Bible places.
  19. I want to live in my own house. A-L-O-N-E.
    I want to live in Tagaytay someday and everyday enjoy the beauty of Taal Volcano.
  20. I am excited to go to provinces.
    I love its atmosphere and I love seeing trees and mountains! I'm quite used to seeing well-built houses, flyovers and tall buildings. I want to try living in a Bahay Kubo, sumakay sa kalabaw at magtanim sa bukid! :)
  21. I want to learn different languages.
    As of now, I can count 1-10 in Hindi plus some few basic words. (Thanks to my Pinoy chatmate from Saudi) and count 1-100 in Nihonggo plus some basic words as well. (Brenda and Nikai, thanks for the patience in teaching me those.)
  22. I love taking pictures. Unfortunately I don't have my own camera yet.
    Great sceneries, breath-taking views, glorious events.
    But more often I love it that I am the one caught by the lens! (The Indenial narcisst.)
  23. I super love superbianca! Bianca Monica Malasmas Gonzalez. From her I got the idea of being a supergirl. I love her for being smart and having that unique beauty; Her advocacies and that happy spirit!
  24. I am an ambivert. I love to relate with people and at the same time making a point to have solitude.
  25. I am a cry baby. Some people see me strong and happy but I cry over other's pains like those I see in a charity-oriented programs, people who are physically challenged, students who are dedicated to study even if it takes them miles to get to their no-wall-no-ceiling "rooms", reunited families, those who are victims of killings and disasters, most especially those who are experiencing psychological suffering.
  26. I so love kids. I see them as gifts.
    It makes me excited to think of what they will become in the future.
  27. I am quite in doubt of having a partner in life.
    I do have crushes but really never thought of having someone for the rest of my life.
    I admit, even if I have afew suitors around, I am afraid of having a boyfriend. :( Or am I just unprepared of accepting its responsibilities and consequences?
  28. I love my family inspite of all its imperfections.
    I get emotional when talking of family matters. Er, who doesn't?
  29. I love my NIECES, believe it or not.
    I may be hard at times to them but I get emotional when we talk about them.
  30. I love to work.
    I feel paralyzed when I don't have anything to do in a day.
    I have to work to get me cured.
  31. Expect me to get sick after bathing in the rain. Especially when it is unintentional.
    I can stay okay after a long day of hardcore work even without eating meals but not the RAIN.
  32. I am an insomniac.
    This is the fact that people would all agree. LOL.
    Got eyebags as proof!
  33. I don't drink nor smoke. I want! But my body can't take it. I'd die. I am trying to drink once in a while, I drink a maximum of 2 shots!
  34. RESPECT is very important to me.
    Respect me as a woman, as a person.
  35. I am quite paranoid about people's actions.
    I think what they do means something. :)
  36. I am easy to please yet hard to understand.
    Don't get me wrong. I get unpredictable at times.
  37. I am confused if I have really ever been inlove to a person. Except Jesus, of course.
  38. I am a sweet friend especially to those who really mean to me.
  39. I find it sweetest when friends treat me with anything I like. It's a joy for me when they bless me from the heart!
  40. How I love STARS.
    I find it romantic to do stargazing with people I love.
    I would name each star to them!
  41. I super love the pink and brown combination.
    If I were to choose the colors I would have for the rest of my life, it would be those.
  42. I appreciate small things easily than the bigger ones. All big things comes from the small ones.
  43. I am missing my RANGERS Family badly! :(
  44. The last guy I had a crush on was a bisexual. I decided to stop the feeling when I learned that he is. It was hard, but thank God He made me overcome it.
  45. I have a super crush on Jun Pyo of BOF, John Lloyd Cruz and Carlo Aquino.
  46. I am definitely not a party animal. I have never been to bars or the like. I prefer celebrations held on their homes or in a hotel, coliseums or an open field, maybe a seminar or a conference.
  47. I love sweet surprises!
  48. I have never experienced being fat! :(
  49. I have moles on my forehead, above my lip, on my tummy and on my thigh.
  50. When I was in kinder, I studied in a Catholic School which is runned by Nuns and Priests. Everytime I would see one, I'd tell mom, "Si sister act!" LOL. :D
  51. When I was in Grade 6, I cried and got depressed because my Ninang cut my hair so short. I looked like a boy!
  52. I am good in hiding my feelings. I can stay happy when it hurts inside. People who know me well begs me to let them get into my life and help me. My bad.
  53. I am super sentimental. I keep letters, paintings and artworks. I have it compiled already. It's beautiful! :)
1. I LOVE GOD. And surprisingly He loves me more!
Far more than I could imagine. A love I know I don't deserve. He has seen me at my worst yet loved me at His best!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Agua, Bendita and Ronnie's OJT

Me, Gretchen and Windell had our OJT experience at Teleperformance Ubelt this last April 29-June 4. It had been indeed a lovely experience and full of fun and learning to be working with the coolest people on earth! Oh by the way, maybe you are wondering why Agua, Bendita and Ronnie's name came up to this blog... Well, for this season it had been our nick names for the sake of Sir Randy who couldn't remember our names!

Front Desk. Testing. Call outs. Those were our main duties and I will surely miss those tasks. It's more than just accepting applicants and having them filled out trackers, explaining the tests and scheduling applicants for interviews. It's dealing with different kinds of people. Let me tell you some stories behind the tasks.

Me at the Front Desk. Oh, too bad I'm caught in the act! Nagffacebook ako. :) This is what we do after we're done with our job, or should i say, while there is no job at hand. (For Windell's case, it's different. Haha, kidding!). Bait ng Boss namin db? We are allowed to do it as long as we do our job well. The Front Desk job isn't that too hard at all. We're the ones who talk first to the newly arrived applicant and have them fill out the tracker and encode it after. The best feeling of being at the front desk is the chance of giving that best smile and nice approach on the nervous applicant who's in doubt of passing the series of exams and interviews to follow.

Things at the front desk. :)

Welcome to the Testing Room! This is the testing room where the applicants take the Online Examination. Our task is to explain to them what specifically the exams they will be taking and to instruct them of its rules. Common mistake of applicants is that they don't take the tests in order. Be alert dear ones! Of course we want you to pass. :)

This is the thing I will surely miss doing most here. I just love to explain and do it real perky for the applicants so they will feel a little relaxed and light in taking it, and congratulate them for passing every after exam they take, (kahit paulit-ulit). =)

Hi, this is Jel of Teleperformance! Yes we do speak over the phone and schedule potential applicants for a chance of being part of this dynamic team! Second to Testing, this is the task I love doing. I'm feeling like an agent. HAHA. Funny for some applicants I called: one spoke to me in Bisaya (as if I can understand her), an applicant who just failed an exam in a different call center company released his discouragement on me, and an applicant who kept on saying that I am so kind. Hehe. :) Little did they know that I am more encouraged because somehow I was able to lift them up and give themselves another try. I am surely gonna miss Ms. Operator saying... "THANK YOU!"

INTERVIEWS. Of course, HR work wouldn't be complete without it. This is the thing I do least, actually only just a couple of times and with Sir Randy still. It's fun to do interviews. Fun to be talking to people of different personalities, knowing their attitudes, potentials and tendencies just by presenting themselves and by talking - how they do it and what it contains. It's just that sometimes, it is hard to decide. Some deserves to pass, some to fail; but it's a pain when the applicant is somewhere in between. :/

JOB FAIRS. That is what we do everyday basically. But we also happened to experience being in a job fair. We tell something about Teleperformance, we schedule them for an online assesment, we give applicants flyers. The Job Fairs I was able to attend to was at SM San Lazaro, May 1 with Mam Paula, Gretchen and the TP OJTrainees before us (Arjie, Nina and Pepper); and at SM North with Windell, Will (OJTrainee from TP EDSA) and Sir Gino. Pictures are still with Mam Paula, she haven't uploaded it yet.

ON-SITE RECRUITMENT. Aside from Job Fairs, we were able to be part of the on-site recruitment of TP with one of its amazing partners, Aspire IT. Two wednesdays of May, I was able to be there and assist Sir Randy, Mam Maren and Mam Mae in administering the written exam, updating the applicant database and some other errands so to say. Unfortunately, me and Chen weren't able to take pics while we were there. We always forget to do it. So much concerned of the trip going there at Cityland in Makati. The second time we went there was a memorable experience. Yes, ang sinakyan ay maling bus! Eng-eng moment number 1. :) But that was really fun! Plus the joy of meeting new friends like Ate Milch, Ate Tina and Jaycee, who happened to be just 2 years ahead of my batch in UDM-Psych. Small world. Really, I enjoyed being in Aspire IT! I'm gonna miss their warm welcome and the 2-piece McChicken lunch!

PROJECT PLANNING. We were able to part of this too. TP is going to give more people a chance of getting hired! Keep watch, you might be the next! :) In this sourcing initiative, Mam Paula allowed us to share some of our ideas in this upcoming event. Of course I will not tell it but I am pretty sure what Mam Paula and the team will do will be a big hit and more people will be encouraged to work at TP! I am excited to be helping them in this, thank you to TP Ubelt for inviting us to that event even if we are not their trainees anymore, officialy. Touched ako. :) It was May 24 I think when we discussed this, Mam Paula also discussed some HR topics like sourcing, headhunting, agencies and much more.

More than the lessons we have learned from the training, what will I surely miss is that family feeling that I felt from the whole Teleperformance Ubelt team. Thank God for my Bosses: Randy Baylon, Gino Villamor, Nikko Magumcia, Paula Gunda, Liz Indiongco and Christine Leuterio; for Kuya Ron, the messenger; janitor Kuya Darwin and Security Guard Kuya Rolan. I so much enjoyed my May 2010 for I have spent it with people like them who has given me so much inspiration in many different things. I am encouraged by them in ways they might not know, everyone has been such a big help for me in preparing myself for the real world I have to face after I leave the university. I am excited to join the club of the coolest bosses on earth! :)



Here's one Superjump for you!